
Book a Course

Temporary Traffic Management Certificate

October 17, 2023 1:27 pm Published by

Full Details The only course specifically designed for temporary traffic management designers, engineers and practitioners working in the planning and design of temporary situations on Scottish roads. The IHE’s Professional Certificate in Temporary Traffic Management Engineering, including design, enables those working within Scotland’s temporary traffic management industry to demonstrate their knowledge and competence in this field. For delegates, the course covers all aspects of temporary traffic management engineering and design, temporary road/streetworks signing, and other related engineering topics for managing works on high speed, rural and urban roads and is designed to accommodate the needs of those embarking on a temporary traffic management career as well as those who have extensive practical experience gained from working within the industry. For employers, the... Read more

High Pressure Water Jetting – Safety Awareness

July 14, 2023 1:57 pm Published by

Course Overview Course Aims The course is based entirely on the Water Jetting Associations “Code of Practice for the use of High Pressure Water Jetting Equipment“. It is a practical course containing hands on training with equipment together with training centre-based assessment. The course is designed to give candidates knowledge of a safe way in which to use the equipment. It gives information on safe entry into confined spaces but makes no attempt to provide full instruction on the safety procedures involved. It is anticipated that candidates would have already been trained in the procedures if their future duties require them to enter confined spaces safely. Candidates Who Should Attend Any person who is inexperienced or new to the industry who... Read more

EUSR Grundowinch Operator

July 3, 2023 3:23 pm Published by

This safety critical course includes both theoretical and practical assessments in order to specifically operate a GRUNDOWINCH. Winches are designed for use in the cable and utility contracting marketplace to suit a wide range of applications. GRUNDOWINCH Operator Training instructs candidates how to safely utilise the GRUNDOWINCH through a detailed and practical explanation of operation. This instruction specifically pertains to and includes safety, set up and decommissioning of a 2- 10 Tonne Twin Capstan Groundowinch. The one day course can accommodate up to 8 delegates per day. Course Objectives Understand the Grundowinch user guide and correct site set up of a Grundowinch Make and identify the legal road tow checks Utilisation of boom kit safely adequately Understand the importance of direct... Read more

EUSR Grundomat (Moling) Operator

July 3, 2023 3:17 pm Published by

About EUSR Grundomat (Moling) Operator Training This safety critical course includes both theoretical and practical assessments in order to increase the knowledge required for those working specifically with ‘GRUNDOMAT’ Moles. GRUNDOMAT Operator Training (Moling) instructs candidates how to tackle underground installation projects without the need to dig trenches. This is commonly known as employing ‘Trenchless Technology’ to lay pipes/ducts. Uniquely the safety training provides an industry recognised qualification for the GRUNDOMAT. The one day course can accommodate up to 8 delegates per day. Course Objectives Understand the Grundomat product range (i.e. what’s available) and benefits of employing Grundomat devices when undertaking moling operations Identify ground/soil types and changeable conditions faced on-site for specific moling operations Explore allied accessories and special interchangeable heads and... Read more

National Highways Sector Scheme 12D Module 7 (Managers and Client Officers)

March 23, 2023 10:07 am Published by

  Duration: 2 Days Classroom training. Group Size: Maximum 8 delegates. Who should attend: Management, Client Officers, Technicians and any person not actually installing Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) but requiring knowledge of basic practice of TTM on urban and rural roads. The aim of this course: is to provide candidates with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge to enable them to liaise with the traffic management teams and understand current working practice management on single or dual carriageway up to 40mph. Course Objectives: On completion of the session delegates will: – • Have a working knowledge of National Highway Sector Schemes. • Interpret the requirements of ‘The Safety at Street Works and Road Works, A Code of Practice (The Red Book)’... Read more

Temporary Works Co-ordinator Refresher

March 6, 2023 1:38 pm Published by

Online CITB Accredited Temporary Works Training The Refresher course is an opportunity for learners who have attended the substantive TWCTC to revise and update their knowledge and understanding. This course is for those on site with responsibility for managing all forms of temporary works. It is designed to give confidence to senior management and those who engage with contractors, that candidates have reached an assessed standard of knowledge. Entry requirements Candidates must have experience in being responsible for managing all forms of temporary works and a good understanding of spoken and written English Learners are expected to have a working knowledge of the following legislation: • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 • Management of Health and Safety... Read more